The Design Success Academy Premium is the destination for the mid-career interior designer who is ready to take their design business to the next level by implementing my proven processes, marketing methods, sales techniques, templates, pricing formulas, and so much more!

Everything you need to run your interior design business like a well oiled machine is here and ready for you to start today! 

I know how hard it can be to try and find your way through all of the advice that is out there (believe me I was there once too) so why spin your wheels searching for a proven way, when I have done the hard work for you?

I have designed this program with EXACTLY what you need to operate your interior design business with ease. No fluff. No wasted time. Just the nitty gritty information that I know you want to know to help you start, grow, and level up your boutique interior design business.


You could spend years learning the key parts of a successful business the hard way, and STILL not know how to put them together to be profitable.

Now you can use my proven model that has built my design firm into a 7-figure business.

Here's What You Will Find Inside
The Design Success Academy Premium learning program:

8 Highly Detailed Video Modules covering the essential topics for running your design firm

The Feedback Forum: Your chance to submit questions for specific feedback


Downloads, Templates, Documents, & Fee Calculator 

My actual interior design agreement for you to download and use

My actual interior agreement for working with Trades and GC's

Private Community to ask questions, share ideas, and support each other

Promise Pods:  The option for you & others to join together to make your journey a success

Optional Group Coaching Calls

Private Member Podcast direct from John

Printable Course Workbooks, Guides, & Exercises

enroll now!


Start with “Business Basics.” This module can serve as a starting point for new businesses or as a refresh for industry veterans to ensure all of your business set up obligations are correct.


Best practices for setting up your business structure and pros and cons of each business structure type.

What is your "WHY?" We will discuss what this means to you personally and how to discover the "why" behind your business and the decisions you make.

Business registration guidelines including choosing a business name, location, and more.

I introduce you to my concept of your "Golden Thread of Values" and how to find your own Golden Thread of Values & how they will influence everything you do.

My Top 10 ways to set a secure business foundation including discussions around insurance, checking accounts, services, and much more!

Downloads including my "Build a Better Business" workbook to guide you through all of the tasks needed to set you up for business success.

My "McClain Method" of the TOP 10 pieces of advice I have for you to build a better business.


Start the program by examining & enhancing your mindset around money, clients, trades/vendors while finding your zone of genius & creating your own definition of success. This Module is essential for full success in the rest of the Academy.


Money Mindset: Understanding how it affects you, your clients, team members, and the future of your business

How to think and act like a CEO from Day 1 & why this will grow your firm quickly

How to define your company values & find everyone who aligns with them at the same time

How your values influence your clients, trades, team,  & anyone you surround yourself with

Find your own definition of success and create a pathway to get there (Hint: it's not always what everyone is doing!)

Goal Planning: Learn the power and the process of setting goals for your business. 


In this module, you will learn the differences between a mission statement and a vision statement and the detailed steps as to how to create your own.


Building upon the mindset and leadership work you just completed, we will begin to dive deeper and develop the background for your company vision.

You will learn why you need a Mission Statement and the definition of a working Mission Statement (this is truly a game changer!)

You will create an elevator pitch that actually works and is easy to recall for you and your entire team,

You will create your own Vision Statement & Mission Statement.

You will learn the defining traits that will now define every decision you will ever make. Yes! It's that's clear!

The Key Actions you will look for in everyone you work with and partner with in your company to drive revenue.


Learn how to find & manage the right team, the best trades and vendors who align with your values AND who will make your job easier, make you the most profit, & keep your clients happy.


How to find, hire, and continuously manage a team (whether employees or contract labor)

How to source and profit from the right vendors and tradespersons

How to leverage buying power & calculate pricing for ultimate product revenue

How to maintain long term relationships with your trades & vendors

Agreements and procedures to protect you & your company when hiring and working with employees or 1099 team members & trades & GC's

Procedures to protect you & your company when working with contract labor (tradespersons) and vendors


It’s time to get specific! By the end of this module, you will know exactly which services best suit your company model and exactly how to set your flat fee pricing and product pricing. No more guesswork!


How to find the best services for your company based on what YOU want to do and need

My "new" method of defining the types of design services you offer and the extreme clarity behind each

10+ specific service types for you to consider offering to your clients and a definition of each

Flat Fees: 3 Calculation Methods and MY exact method of calculation & pricing 

Hourly Rates: If you prefer, I share my method for calculating hourly design fees for your projects

The Designer Calculator: My exclusive plug in play calculator for quickly and easily determining your flat fee for every project with accuracy!

Furnishings Calculator: Determine your client's investment in furnishings well before your project begins to avoid wasted time and energy


From the first point of contact with a client to the last fluff of the pillow, I will provide every step for you to follow so you never miss one detail for renovations/new construction, furnishings & decor, or a combo of each! My system is total turnkey!


My proven-to-work, complete 18 Step Project Journey System with explanations of every step. My firm uses this on every project!

The Project Journey System can be implemented as is or adjusted to fit your specific needs

Very detailed Asana project management templates for New Construction Homes, Design & Decor, Renovation and combinations of each

SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures) to plug and play and start using!

Onboard a new client efficiently and move your client through all phases of the Project Journey on schedule and for the planned investment

Procurement Made Easy! Use my process and templates to ensure that every product arrives as planned and is ready for installation

You're not a bank! My "plug and play" methods will ensure that you collect all funds before any work begins or any product is ordered


My favorite tools & technology necessary for your business to run on auto-pilot. From productivity to creativity, we will review software and phone apps that will change your life & business (no I'm not being dramatic!)


All of the tech I use throughout my entire client project process to make my job easier, faster, and profitable

The phone apps I use every single day

Time management techniques to make the most of your day, week, month, and year

Automation tools and tips that will set your company to run on autopilot

Tips for setting up and managing your own beautifully designed professional website

Project Management tools that you will love!


Marketing & Sales does not have to be scary! I have laid the framework for you to follow for attracting new clients via social media, in-person, Ads, speaking engagements, blogs, article contributor, & my pro-tips for getting published.


My marketing essentials including your brand, website, photography & more!

5 additional marketing methods that always work for me (and they will for you too!)

Instagram Made Easy: I'll teach you my tricks and tips for making Instagram work for you without all the headache.

The power of the blog! Including pre-written blog articles made just for our industry.

SEO Simplified! Learn the basics of SEO so that you can implement on your own website to get more traffic.

When, Which One(s) & How to find and hire a pro partner for specific marketing needs.

How it Works!

Design success academy

Lifetime access to all 8 learning modules,  lessons, templates & downloads.

Membership to active DSA Community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Optional Group Coaching Calls with John to have all of your burning questions answered live.

Lessons available as video, audio, & written format for all learning styles.

Downloadable course workbook, guides, templates, contracts, documents, & more to customize to your business.

Lifetime access to any lesson updates if the course is updated or revised.

My Design Fee Calculator to calculate project fees with ease.

My actual Design Agreement that is so detailed & rock-solid that I use it for every project!

My Furnishings Estimator Calculator to calculate the necessary products for a project.

"Promise Pods" - Optional small peer groups to help you better achieve your goals.

Tailored Feedback: Recorded feedback to your specific questions around any course material.

Member Pricing on other Programs, Events, Private Coaching, & Many Other Learning Opportunities!

When you join DSA you get lifetime access to all of the information and can learn at your own pace & in your own learning method-ensuring you retain everything!

Just some of the features included in your membership:


One Payment of $2997

6 payments of $587


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essential systems & processes for interior designers

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