that you dream about...


Let's create the

design Business

What if you could finally create the interior design business of your dreams while consistently bringing in six figures and doing it all with 
No stress?

I know you have the design talents, but you just need a bit of help with the business side of design.

→  Are you in the early stages of your design business and realize it's time to properly set up your company to look and act more professional?

→ Do you find yourself struggling in your current design business or worrying and feeling anxious about clients and projects?

→  Or have you finally decided to take that leap & follow your passion & talents to become an interior designer but don't know where to start to avoid costly mistakes?

"I don't have a big team"

You think other
"seasoned designers" can accomplish much more because they have a team of people behind them to help. You wonder if you can produce the same level of projects that they do.

"Everyone else seems so successful"

Oh that highlight reel on Instagram. It's the best & worst at the same time. Your insecurities bubble to the surface & feel like you're already behind even before you get started? 

"I don't really know how to charge"

This is the #1 question every designer (new or veteran) seems to face. Am I charging enough to make a profit? Do I charge hourly or flat fee? How much do I charge to not scare my client away? Sound familiar?

"I'm not a business person"

You love the creative part of being a designer & want to make money doing that! The business side can seem overwhelming to you so you might keep brushing it under the rug and ignoring important issues.

does this also sound familiar?

Just like you, I was once there too. I started from zero (literally) & systematically worked my way to 6-figures, then eventually to multi 7-figure years, and now I want to share my entire proven system with you.

I remember my first paying interior design client. I was both excited AND scared! How much should I charge? How long would it take? What would the process be? Oh, and there was that pesky, nagging question of was I going to actually make a profit from this project?!


I can tell you I made mistakes (lots of them) but you know what else I did? I had the drive to learn, and I found the determination to succeed and figure it all out! 

And figure it out I did- 
All the way to 6 figures in revenue in my first year in business,
...and soon thereafter-

I hit 7 figures and haven't looked back.

I have taught hundreds of other designers to do the same too.

And So Can You:
Choose the Type of Projects You Love 🩷
Flip The Repeatable Processes Switch On 💡
Make 6 Figures Over & Over 💸

I can guarantee you this:

You don't need years of experience, a degree, a large team, or a huge following to build a thriving interior design business.

at the end of the day, all you really want is a successful & profitable design business that lets you be, well, A Designer!

You see other people in our industry living their dream every single day, and you're a bit frustrated that it's not your reality yet.

because I've been exactly where you are right now

Believe me when I say I get it

Now, it's your turn...

You can be a fully-booked interior designer without years of experience & create a joyful and highly profitable design business filled with clients who are your biggest fans & largest source of referrals.

Imagine What It Would

You have a process that will take you from the first point of contact to the last fluff of the pillow. You will NEVER wonder again what steps to follow on a design project of any type!

You can be selective & choose to design homes that align with your creative vision & your designs soon appear in magazines and publications & you become an industry leader.

You have set up your services & pricing model so that you know you are making thousands of dollars in profit on every project without the guesswork of the past.

Your project pipeline is full because you have honed in on your marketing & soon you'll be hiring a design assistant & other team members to support you.
You know that every single project is running smoothly and all of them are on time and on budget and fully meeting your clients' expectations.

I'm going to teach you all of my tried and true methods to make all of this YOUR reality.
You are happily working on several design projects at one time with clients that paid you 100% UP-FRONT for all of your services & products AND you still have a work/life balance. 

buy now

My proven roadmap to build your 6-figure interior design business fast & stress-free while fueling your creative passion.



which can only be found inside of...

The Design Business Fast Track

The Design Business Fast Track System is the missing link that will help you boost your successful design business stress-free. You get access to my proven methods + all of the tools, strategies, processes, & insider knowledge that you need to make your big designer dreams become a reality.

a new way to run a design business


easy-to-follow Learning PROGRAM FOR GROWING & ASPIRING interior DESIGNERs THAT INCLUDES A MIX OF Video LESSONS, Downloads, Templates, workbooks & community.

Meet your GUIDE

I used to be in the same place you are (well actually I was in the corner in the fetal position)... so worried about "faking it till I made it" that I took never really focused on the business side of my design business...So afraid to charge my actual (deserved) time that I would scrape off a few (or a lot of) hours to avoid a client confrontation, cramming every ounce of work into the day, only to go to bed at night to wake up thinking of something I forgot. That feeling of trying to keep up with other "successful" designers wondering what magic wand they had in their pockets to make their business so perfect?!

Listen friend, I hit rock bottom with one client in the beginning of my career because I was doing almost everything wrong. Then I spent the next 15 YEARS doing ALL the things bound and determined to fix the problems… hiring business coaches, taking design courses, trying every pricing model, testing dozens of software, hiring PR firms, hiring & firing team members, opening two offices on both US coasts, and working for hundreds of clients from all walks of life.... you name it, I did it, and then finally... IT CLICKED!

I pulled together the good, the bad, and the great of my career and created my own proprietary system that led me to 6 figures... and then 7 figures in revenue and I haven't looked back.

find out more

I'm Ready!

Your new Design Biz Bestie

Hey I'm John

It’s my mission to help as many aspiring & new-to-the-industry designers as possible speed up the struggle of building their businesses by simply focusing on what is proven to work AND what sets you apart from the other designers out there. The Design Business Fast Track System would have saved me SO MUCH time, energy and lost profit. I'm obsessed with doing the same for you!

I’ve taken every single thing that I learned In my design business journey and put it into my SYSTEM

That's Right!

- Nicole R.

John's down-to-earth and genuine approach to our industry stands out. That belief reflects strongly in John's course & it delivers in so many ways! If you're serious about your own interior design business, this is definitely the path to take!

This course delivers in so many ways!

- Sarah M.

This program has really been the best business decision I ever made to be apart of! I truly have gotten so much more confidence in KNOWING MY PROCESS! I have been putting establishing a process on the back burner for so long, and now I actually have one! Truly life-changing!

The best business decision I ever made!


I have been using the Design Calculator for all of my recent proposal and it has lifted a weight off of my shoulders! 

A weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!

- ANN H.

I have really enjoyed all of the benefits from this program. This is a community that is engaging and exciting.

Engaging & exciting!

what others are saying


I'll give you an exact design process to implement and bring your client through with ease and zero stress.

How to price your fees in a way that works for you, for the highest profit margin, AND in ways that might surprise you!

All of the templates you need: from your Services Guide to Proposals, it's all here for you to download & use today!

Sales Made Easy! I'm spilling all of my sales secrets to make your Discovery Calls, Consultations, & Presentations a win!

The marketing methods that work! You stay in your comfort zone but still draw the right clients to your door.

The Design Business Fast Track System is for growing or aspiring-to-be interior design business owners who want to skip the headache & time of figuring all of the parts of a design business out on their own, avoid making costly mistakes, and start creating beautiful & profitable projects today.

What You Can Expect:


trades & vendors

Your agreements

Learn how to find & work with the best trades & vendors who align with your values AND who will make your job easier, make you the most profit, & keep your clients happy. There is an art to the partnership of trades & vendors & we will crack the code, including how to find and set up your receiving warehouse.

Let's talk about agreements - not just for your clients, but also for trades and team. What you need to address in your agreements and how to best protect yourself. This module will give you the details of what to include in your agreements.

It’s time to get specific! By the end of this module, you will know exactly which services best suit your company model and exactly how to set your design services pricing and make profit from your product pricing. No more guesswork!

I have laid the framework for you to follow for attracting new clients via social media, blogs, newsletters, in-person and more. The lessons learned here will keep your pipeline full & grow your brand too! Also included is website marketing essentials.

From the first point of contact with a client to the last fluff of the pillow, I will provide every step for you to follow so you never miss one detail for renovations/new construction, furnishings & decor, or any combo of each! My system is total turnkey!






Business Basics setup

Define & Price Your services & PRODUCTS

Your design process


A review of the necessities you need to properly set up your business. This can serve as a starting point for new businesses or as a refresh for those already working to ensure your design business is set up correctly.

Learning Modules

How The Journey Unfolds

Need some Accountability and an action plan?
I got you:


Valued at $300

Valued at $300

The Designer Calculator

You receive my exclusive Designer Calculator! This calculator will take the guesswork out of pricing your design projects for a flat fee! (also works great for home staging or any related field).

Valued at $1200

The Tech That you need

That's $1800 in bonuses!
absolutely free! 💰

My favorite tools & technology necessary for your business to run on auto-pilot. From productivity to creativity, the software & apps that will change your life & business (no I'm not being dramatic!)

How about a few bonuses?

You receive access to select past group coaching call recordings that I have led! These calls are with students who were also in the program with questions just like you. It's like getting private coaching for free!



Peace of mind knowing you will make a profit on every project

never having that icky feeling of chasing clients for payments

total confidence in your process from discovery call to install

MULTIPLE revenue streams to add to your list of service options

the ability to work on the types of projects that light you up


a PIPELINE of clients eagerly waiting to work with you

A business that supports you financially & creatively

Imagine How You
Would Feel To Have...

The Ulitmate Goal?

Make money doing what you love while fueling your creative passion for interior design.


Here's the monetary value of everything you get inside the
Design Business Fast Track System

That's a total value of $32,800!

The Design Business Fast Track System







Exclusive Private Community

Lifetime Access & Updates to Program

Recorded Coaching 
Call Session

The Design Business Fast Track System

The Design Business Fast Track System

Keep Scrolling for Your Price...

join now 

1 or 2 payments


3 payments of $497

join now

extended pay

Get everything inside the Design Business Fast Track System plus $1800 in bonuses for as little as $81 a month when you pay via Affirm.*

Yep! You asked for it and now it's available. For literally less that Mr. Starbucks ☕ you can change your entire life & business forever. Dramatic? Maybe.
True? You bet.

  • 6 Expert-Led System Modules 
  • My Proven Design Business Blueprint 
  • Downloads, Templates, Workbooks galore!
  • Your Projects Running Like A Pro
  • Lifetime Access To All Content

  • Designer Calculator to easily & accurately calculate flat fees for design projects
  • The Tech That You Need course
  • Exclusive Access To Coaching Calls!

Your investment in your future can be yours for just:

The design business fast track system

*Subject to terms & conditions of Affirm on checkout page

Sign me up!

or you can use my proven SYSTEM to start making six figures on repeat in your own business today.

YOU COULD SPEND YEARS trying to learn all the PARTS OF A SUCCESSFUL design BUSINESS on your own



Now, my friend you've got two choices:

Close this page and keep doing what you’ve been doing and only dream about what being an organized, joyful, & profitable 6-figure interior designer actually feels like.

Enroll in The Design Business Fast Track System and take the first step towards actually building your successful design business. 


In 2 months, you could be wrapping up your first project using your new system, signing new clients, photographing current ones, & seeing your bank account continue to grow and grow.

And in a year, you could be earning a 6-figure income, working on multiple dream projects, having a waitlist of eager clients, winning awards, and seeing your work published in magazines.


But that’s ONLY IF you choose Option 2 and get my proven roadmap to build your design business stress-free with all of the tools, strategies, accountability, AND framework that you need to make your dreams a reality inside The Design Business Fast Track....

In 2 weeks, you could be doubling your investment on this course and CLOSING dream clients which means you’ve understood the value you bring to the world and your clients are paying you for it!


WHo is the Design Business Fast Track System For?

You might be wondering...

While any designer can learn from the processes, lessons, procedures, and templates inside of the Fast Track system, the course is designed for those designers who are 1) in the early stages of their design business and have not seen the success that they have hoped for in terms of ideal clients, ideal projects, profitability, processes, marketing etc. AND 2) for those ASPIRING interior designers who want to start their business journey off on the right foot and avoid the lost time and mistakes of learning without expert assistance.

How long will it take me to complete the system?

What if it's busy season, can I join later? 

I've taken Online Courses before and never finish them. How will this be different?

What happens after I sign up?

There is no exact timeline that is "required" for you to complete The Design Business Fast Track System. It is a learn a you go, and at your own pace training. That being said. I have taken the time to ensure that you can learn effectively without wasted information. If you apply yourself, you should be able to spend 1-2 hours per week and complete the entire course in 6 weeks. However, I suggest taking some of the courses, if not all of them, two times to ensure you have learned it all. The good news? The content is yours forever, including any updates I make to the content or downloads!

You can! But you'd be missing out on the HUGE enrollment special we're offering right now! Plus, you'll have lifetime access to the course. So dive in and binge watch or put it on pause until things slow down. Either way, it's yours for life. Most importantly, can you really wait one more day to get your business organized and profitable?

Just like anything else in life, what you put you'll get back. If you're willing to roll up your sleeves and put in the work, this WILL work for you.  And I get it, I'm a busy multi-faceted entrepreneur running a 7-figure design business, and none of us have time for fluffy BS courses! Design Business Fast Track was created for busy but motivated designers like us. All of the lessons are broken down into easy to digest lessons with a list of tasks to complete as necessary at the end. In addition, you'll have a workbook to follow along with that includes a cheat sheet to be sure you go in order, don't skip a step, and get FAST results!

As soon as you enroll in the Design Business Fast Track, you will have immediate access to the entire system! Nothing will be "dripped" out. You can choose to start at any module that you wish, however, I would prefer that you start at the beginning so that you can learn in the order that I created the course material. The platform is super easy to use with all downloads and video lessons available on your desktop, laptop, or  mobile devices. You will have your own private portal that you can log into at any time to get back to your course. There is also a course progress tracker so that you can pick back up where you left off!

what is your refund policy?

This course contains proprietary information and knowledge that I have learned over the course of my experiences and education. It also contains legal information that will be accessible to you. We ask that you be certain that this program is for you and that you are ready to commit to the learning, homework, and other educational opportunities involved. To that extent, we do not offer refunds and ask that you do your research fully before purchasing. Remember, this is a journey and you need to to give yourself the grace and time to begin to comprehend and absorb the information as well as time to become a part of the DBFT community. Your business (and your life) will thank you for it!

Do I have the ability to add on other items If I cHoose?

testimonials like these are exactly why I created this system! are you ready to start building a design business that supports you today too?

Yes! I created this course as a price point to allow as many designers as possible to learn from it. That being said, I also allowed some parts of it to be optional components that are available for separate purchases as you wish. For example, you might not want or need to use my interior design agreement; but if you do, I make it available, as an option. I also have other components available as options such as my Asana template, hourly rate agreement, and Tradesperson agreement. This allows me to keep the entire core components at a lower price while, allowing access to more deserving designers, and still allow you to decide if you need to add the other items as you learn through the course. You also have access to discounted rates on other programs or offers that I introduce. It's a win-win!

Still have questions?

Reach out to me here:

count me in!

If you’re all the way to the bottom of this page, it means you’re having a                          deciding whether or not this course is right for you.

hard time

If you read through that list and you’re STILL unsure…


The Design Business Fast Track    for you:

The Design Business Fast Track   
for you:

You have always dreamed of working as an interior designer. You have no idea how to build a business and want to get rolling today without the hassle.

The thought of making six figures (or more) doesn't appeal or matter to you.

You have never designed a room for anyone else yet & don't have any desire to design for anyone but yourself.

You're not willing to find 1-2 hours per week for the next two months to dedicate to this course in order to totally change your business trajectory.

Design is just a hobby for you and you don't want to build a profitable and fun career around it.

You don't consider yourself a creative person with a knack for making homes beautiful and want to make money sharing your gift.



You're already in the early stage of your design business and are working hard but haven't hit 6 figures yet.

You truly love being a designer, but don't love the business side of the design biz & just want a plug-and-play system so you can concentrate on design.

You have 1-2 hours per week for the next 2 months to dedicate to this program & to changing your life forever.

You love design so much & are dedicated to making it work and are ready to invest in your future.

You know you have the creative skills to design homes that can change lives, but business skills unfortunately do not come as naturally, and that's ok! I want to provide what's missing and help you concentrate on what you do best.

I'm going to give you exactly what you need to set up your design business, implement the processes, charge your value, complete projects on time, and have those "TV reveal" moments that you dream about.

I have had hundreds of those moments in my career and I want the same for you my dear friend.